Friday, June 4, 2010

Where to begin?

Blogging has never been my thing. I never followed blogs. They simply had no affection in my inner psyche. Then one day I realized I was so behind the times... So completely stuck in the past, I realized if I did not wake up and embrace modernistic methods of communication and marketing, my projects would be in perpetual creative free-fall.

VENGEANCE is something that happened after a meeting with the jack-offs at 20th Century Fox. A producer I was working with, the very gentlemanly Frederic Galfo, had hired me to pen a screenplay based upon a story concept he developed for Martial Arts Master, Sifu Vincent Lyn. Excessively long story short, the script was written and FOX passed on it because, despite their liking the concept and first two acts, they felt it was not "big enough."

You see, FOX likes to spend 100 to 200 million dollars on epic artistic failures, like the two 'Fantastic 4' films, 'Babylon A.D.' and 'ALIENS vs. PREDATOR.' iRobot made a lot of money, but it was dumbed down so much by the studio brass before and during filming that the director swore he would never work for the studio again. The aforementioned Babylon A.D. had a bright future due to a solid script. Then the studio took control and raped it six ways from Sunday, turning it into a pointless action film. FOX is the studio that gave us a PG-13 DIE HARD sequel, which fanboys now call, 'Live Free or Die Soft.' I could go on, but why bother?

There is a reason why most top talent now avoids FOX like the plague. To think, in the 80's and early 90's they were THE studio of choice.

Back to my story... When Frederic informed me of the news, I was overcome with a feeling of almost acidic anger. Not big enough? Had I added a giant spider, a sinking ship and rocks falling from the sky, would it have been big enough?

I said to Frederic (or maybe just to myself while showering), you want big? I will give you big!

And thus, VENGEANCE was born.

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